Motorcycle accidents can be some of the most dangerous - and scary - accidents out there. According to government statistics, motorcycle riders are more vulnerable than other types of drivers, and they suffer far more severe injuries (including death) when they're in an accident. Based on miles driven, motorcyclists are thirty-five times more likely to be in a fatal accident than drivers of cars.

Despite the risks, motorcycle riding has its own rewards. Most bikers would not trade their motorcycles for anything. These riders are often incredibly careful, and they work hard to be as safe as possible when riding their motorcycles. But even the safest driver cannot account for the negligence of others, and that is particularly true when it comes to motorcycle accidents. If you've been hurt in a motorcycle accident, you will need a tough, smart attorney to help you get the money that you deserve for your injuries. At E. Ray Critchett, LLC Attorney at Law, we know how to win motorcycle accident cases - and we will stand by you through each step of the process.

Proving a Motorcycle Accident Case

Motorcycle accidents are unique among motor vehicle accidents because the cause may not be as clear-cut as when two cars collide. For example, a motorcyclist may crash when the car in front of them makes a sudden lane change, or when another vehicle does not recognize or respect the motorcyclist's right of way. An accident may also occur due to road defects, such as potholes or loose gravel on the road - a frequent occurrence on roads in Central Ohio. This is different from the typical car accident, where it is plain to see which vehicles and drivers were involved in the accident.

How We Handle Motorcycle Accident Cases

In situations where the other driver is not identified or where road conditions are at fault, an attorney with experience handling motorcycle accident cases can evaluate the case to determine if you can recover damages from an insurance company or the party responsible for maintaining the road. Our team can negotiate a settlement with an insurance company - or take your case to trial if necessary. In many cases, the other driver will try to claim that it was the biker's fault, or that motorcycles are just so dangerous that they cannot be safely ridden. Overcoming these prejudices about motorcyclists is critical to obtaining a fair result for an injured rider. The law firm of E. Ray Critchett, LLC has experience in handling motorcycle accident cases and will help you recover for your losses.


Motorcycle accidents often include some of the most serious injuries that we see, including traumatic brain injury, spinal cord damage, paralysis, amputation and damage to internal organs. Your damages may include medical costs, lost earnings, pain and suffering, loss of spousal relations, mental anguish, and loss of enjoyment of life. We offer free initial consultations, and we never charge a fee unless we are successful in getting damages for you. Contact E. Ray Critchett, LLC today to schedule your consultation.