Most of us will never be attacked or severely injured by an animal; however, a recent study showed that 1,000 Americans per day are treated in emergency rooms as a result of dog bites.

In 2007 there were 33 fatal dog attacks in the United States. Most of the victims who receive medical attention are children, half of whom are bitten in the face. Dog bite attacks frequently leave their victims emotionally and physically scarred for the rest of their lives. Dog bite losses exceed $1 billion per year, with over $300 million paid by homeowners insurance.

If Bitten By an Animal

If you or a loved one has been bitten by an animal and has suffered serious injury, he or she may be legally eligible to receive compensation from the owner of the animal or another who was responsible for the animal. It is important to note that not all animal liability issues are the same. In dog bite cases, most states have strict liability laws, which means that if a dog bites a person, the owner of the dog is strictly liable for any injuries caused by the bite. However, for other animals, different laws apply. If for example, a horse bites claim, liability will become an issue and who is responsible for the injury will have to be determined, as a question of fact.

Prevention of Animal Attacks

Generally speaking, if the attack could have been prevented, had the owner, possessor, or caretaker of the animal exercised the proper care and caution to avoid the attack, that party may be held liable for damages such as medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages. In domestic animal attacks, the personal injury claim is typically paid by the homeowner's or renter's insurance policy or the business liability policy of the animal's owner.

It must be noted that if the animal attack victim was trespassing, attempting to commit a criminal offense, or was teasing or abusing the animal, that person is considered to be at fault and no damages will be awarded.


The law firm of E. Ray Critchett, LLC Attorney at Law will fight to protect your interests. E. Ray Critchett, LLC does not charge a fee unless we are successful, and we offer free consultations and personalized service for all of our clients. Contact us today to talk to an experienced Ohio personal injury attorney about your animal attack case.